Public holidays in Republic of Macedonia
Public holidays are observed in the Republic of Macedonia for a number of reasons, including for religious religious and national significance. They are generally accompanied by celebration 
Date - English name - Macedonian name
1-2 January  - New Year - Нова Година
7 January Christmas Day  - (Orthodox)  - Прв ден Божик
march/april Easter Sunday -  (Orthodox)  - Прв ден Велигден
march/april Good Friday  - (Orthodox) - Голем Петок
march/april Easter Monday - (Orthodox) - Втор ден  Велигден
1 May - Labour Day  - Ден на трудот
24 May -  St. Cyril and Methodius Day - Св. Кирил и Методиј
2 August - Day of the Republic  - Ден на Републиката
8 September - Independence Day  - Ден на независноста
11 October - Revolution Day  - Ден на востанието
1 Shawwal - Eid ul-Fitr - Рамазан Бајрам
8 December - Saint Clement of Ohrid Day - “Св. Климент Охридски”
Besides these, there are several major religious & minorities holidays:
Date English name
6 January - Christmas Eve
19 January - Baptism of Jesus
28 August - Assumption of Mary
1 November - All Saints Day
22 November - Albanian Alphabet Day
25 December - Christmas
variable - Easter Monday
variable - Pentecost
variable - Kurban Bayram
variable - Yom Kipur